Representatives from Middle East universities held at the UB the 7th partnership meeting of RESCUE
A delegation of 21 presidents, vice-presidents, vice-rectors, deans and other members of universities from Jordan, Lebanon and Iraqi Kurdistan have met, on September 26 and 27, at the University of Barcelona for the 7th partnership meeting of the RESCUE project (Refugees Education Support in MENA countries).

EDU-SYRIA participates in RESCUE final conference
EDU-SYRIA Project, represented by Dr.Dhiah Abou-Tair, took part in a roundtable entitled “Refugee crisis in the MENA region: RESCUE experience and beyond” during the conference on 24.09.2019.

UNINT press release on RESCUE final conference
L’Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma – UNINT è lieta di ospitare nei giorni 24 e 25 settembre 2019 la conferenza internazionale organizzata da UNIMED (Union of the Universities of the Mediterranean) dal titolo ”A step further towards vulnerable communities in Middle East: The commitment of universities to the refugee crisis in the Middle East” presso la biblioteca del nostro Ateneo. (Italian Version)

“A step further toward refugees”. L’impegno delle università per i rifugiati nel Vicino e Medio Oriente
Comunicato Università degli Studi di Pisa sulla conferenza organizzata a Roma nell’ambito del progetto RESCUE (Italian Version)

The R-SOS Student Support Unit at Zarqa University: the UNIMED supporting visit
Dr. Raniero Chelli, Project Manager at UNIMED, visited Zarqa University to be acquainted with the activity of the Student Support Unit (R-SOS Unit).

Discussing Cooperation between Yarmouk University and St. Olaf American College in the Field of Refugee Studies: the role of R-SOS staff
During St. Olaf American College visit to Yarmouk University, the delegation reviewed the support and service unit for refugee students at the university R-SOS Unit of the Rescue project in which YU participates and aims to build research cooperation with participating universities to deal with refugee issues.