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RESCUE 5th Partnership meeting in Duhok – 16-17 January 2019
The Fifth Partnership meeting held in Duhok from 16-17 January 2019

Training course for RSOS units staff for Jordanian Universities
A training course for the R-SOS units was held at the University of Al Zaytoonah University in Jordan under the supervision of the Union of Mediterranean Universities (UNIMED) with the participation of trainees from Yarmouk University, Zarqa University and Zaytouna University. The importance of this training course for university staff is to help contribute to […]

R-SOS staff from Lebanese Universities trained at AUB premises
An intense 2 days training at American University of Beirut premises from 26 to 27 October 2018 for Lebanese R-SOS RESCUE team

RESCUE project disseminated at MERIC-NET Event on Recognition of Qualifications for Refugees
Prof. Asma Chamli Helwany disseminated RESCUE project results at MERIC-NET Event on Recognition of Qualifications for Refugees held in Beirut on 17/10/2018.