Rescue study visit in Berlin was an important experience in my life because it has lots of positive effects on my field and my work. During this study visit we have learned, fined and discover many things that help to improve our skills and our university. At this article I will discuss the information that we have got during five days. Firstly, we had some seminars at TU Berlin about flashback on last year study visit, TU Berlin’s activities for refugees and scholars at risk, online preparatory course in mathematics for refugees and supporting women in STEM professions. Secondly, activities at TU Berlin El Gouna. Thirdly, meeting at welcome center and center uberleben. Fourthly, visiting KIRON organization and finally information center in Berlin.
The first day of our study visit was on Monday 29th July 2019 at TU Berlin, we had some seminars, one of them was about flashback on last year study visit and orientation about this year presented by Mr. Papon Dev, after that TU Berlin’s activities for refugees and scholars at risk has been shown by Mr. Baris Unal, At the same day I have learned how is it important to have online preparatory course in mathematics for refugees. In addition Mrs. Marion gave us some information about supporting women in STEM professions.
The next day of the study visit was on Tuesday 30 July 2019, at this day we have been at the TU Berlin Campus EL Gouna, the most interactive presentation at this day for me was presented by Mss. Angie which was about Berlin capital of the homeless, there is 22% of homeless in Berlin and 15% are in the whole Germany. In 2015 the number of homeless people in Berlin was 16700 but in 2016 this number has been increased to 40,000 homeless. After that, we have visited office for refugee’s affairs about the registration of refugees. At the end of this day we had a great time together because we had a social dinner at Ameera restaurant.
On 31 July 2019 we have been to welcome center in Berlin, we had some important points about general counselling migrants. Next, we went to the center Uberleben which is the place of psychotherapy and they help refugees not only refugees but for everybody. Moreover, Berliner stadmission which is a charity organization, they have two projects one of them is about homeless shelter and the other is about preparing houses for refugees and homeless people.
Kiron organization was the fourth day plan of our study visit, it is about online courses for students all over the world they offer courses depend on the labor market and students interests, we have got this information from Mss. Heba Ledwon the head of academic partnership in Kiron. Then each university had a presentation about their activities and their work at the university.
The final day was on Friday 2ed of August , 2019 we went to the information center in Berlin (an employment agency), this center give all information about how to get a job? and about all professions at all schools in Germany. In this center there is a lab computer and library at this library there are many books, leaflets and many journals. Furthermore, this center has a website, on this web there is online test everybody can do this test it is about soft skills. After that we have visited community accommodation and we met one refugee guy from Syria he talked about his story how he came to Berlin and how he finished his study. Then we met one of the refugee family from Iraq they discussed their experience and how Berlin government helps them from all sides. They have everything in the accommodation such as (laundry, library, living room, bicycle room…..etc.)
Overall, the week that we spent in Berlin was amazing because it was full of events, getting information, experience, meeting some new friends and visiting wonderful places. Moreover, it was very useful for me because they showed me how to work with refugees in a good way and help them